Natural method to lower blood pressure in 5 minutes without medication
Blood pressure is the force that occurs when the heart carries blood, through the arteries, to the organs. The higher the tension, the more effort the heart has to pump blood.
The main risk is that, if not controlled, the pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels and also problems in the heart muscle.
In adults, normal blood pressure levels are:
- 120 mm Hg when the heart beats for physical activity
- 80 mm Hg when in the resting state.
It is considered that the blood pressure is above the appropriate when the first measure exceeds 140 mm Hg and the second, the 90 mm Hg.
What worries me most about this condition is that it does not present any convincing symptoms, unless it is in a more complicated stage. This ‘silence’ is quite dangerous, since it makes it impossible to receive timely treatment before the consequences are more serious.
Traditional Chinese method to reduce blood pressure
Most people diagnosed with hypertension receive pharmacological treatment to stabilize it. However, traditional Chinese medicine offers alternative methods that can be controlled naturally, as long as it is accompanied by other healthy habits.
According to experts, this method is based on the interconnection of several regions of the body to unblock blood flow blockages and thus, regulate pressure.
Pressure points 1 and 2
Pressure point 1 runs from the back of the earlobe to the center of the clavicle (point 2). It is necessary to imagine that on these there exists a line that unites them, to thus cross that section with the yolks of the fingers while a soft pressure is made. It is recommended to repeat the movement about 10 times, on each side of the neck .
Pressure point 3
After massaging the pressure points 1 and 2 shown in the previous image, the point that is half a centimeter from the lobe of the ear, towards the nose, should be located.
Next, a little pressure is exerted with the fingertips and a gentle massage is given, for one minute, on each side.
How to complement this traditional Chinese technique?
For the results of the previous method to be permanent, it is essential to review the way in which life habits are carried out and improve those that do not contribute to improving the condition.
Avoid salt in excess
Excessive consumption of salt has become one of the main causes of the increase in cases of high blood pressure. And it is not only that which is added to the homemade meals, but also that which contains the processed and packaged products.
Always check the labels on the food and buy those that are free of salt or very low in sodium. In addition, at home you can substitute other healthy spices that also give good flavor to food.
Increase the consumption of omega 3
If a good cholesterol level is maintained, the risks of suffering from high blood pressure will decrease considerably. Therefore, it is recommended to consume foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3 helps regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. This helps to avoid clogging of the arteries. The most recommended foods come to be:
- Seafood.
- Olive oil.
- Chia and flax seeds.
- Fish: salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, cod.
Avoid the cigarette
Toxic compounds and cigarette stimulants increase blood pressure well above normal levels.
Since avoiding it will not be enough in the long term, it is necessary to stop smoking completely if you want to prevent cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Lose weight
Overweight and obesity are factors that affect the health of the heart and also, blood pressure. Therefore, it is essential to lose at least 10% of total body mass to enjoy good health.
Work out
Exercising daily for about 30 minutes is a good start to enjoy better cardiovascular health. This is because physical activity activates circulation, helps eliminate toxins and, therefore, helps to avoid high blood pressure.
With a good lifestyle and the Chinese method to lower blood pressure you will get a better quality of life. On the other hand, do not forget to take into account all the doctor’s instructions.