The Difficulties Of Following A Restrictive Diet

There is a common misconception that people struggling with weight problems need to follow very strict diets, specifically a “restrictive diet”. This type of diet is often used to treat severe cases of obesity and overweight. These types of diets require you to eat a specific amount of food at specific times in order to shed pounds from your body. They are extremely restrictive and many of the more restrictive diet plans actually encourage you to fast for days at a time in order to lose weight. Fasting for an extended period of time can be harmful to the body. As well as being unhealthy, these diets also have a poor long-term health impact, often resulting in a high level of stress, making it difficult to follow them long-term.

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There are many benefits to be derived from a diet, including weight loss and increased energy levels. However, it is important that a person suffering from weight problems does not fall into this trap of becoming too extreme and starving themselves to lose weight. In fact, this often leads to nutritional deficiencies and other health problems that can actually make weight loss more difficult. A balanced, healthy diet is one that includes all of the major food groups and are full of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as whole grains and dairy products. For information on a Low Fodmap Diet, visit

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One of the difficulties of following a diet is that once you have completed it, your weight will return slowly. This is because your body needs to have time to adjust to a new dietary pattern and cannot go on drastically reducing calories all at once. It is important to make gradual changes to your diet so that your body has time to become accustomed to the change.

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