Secure your Garage Before you Go on Holiday
The security of your home is important, and with the summer holiday season coming up, and many of us heading off on our holidays, it is important to make sure that your home is safe and secure before you go away.
One of the things that many people tend to forget but is important is the security of the garage. A garage is often a target for burglars, as it can contain expensive items, such as a car, gardening equipment and bikes. Because a garage is separate from the house a burglar will often tend to target a garage.
Making sure that your garage is safe should be a key part of your security checklist – here are some of the things to consider…
How Secure is the Door? The door needs to be secure and safe to prevent someone being able to break in easily. If you have a door that has seen better days, now is the time to contact someone like this garage doors Bristol based company to get it replaced.
Is it Easy to Access Without Being Seen? Often a garage will be less visible, so make it more so by using security lighting around it.
How Safe are the Items in the Garage? Once inside, a burglar will look for something that is easy to make off with. When you keep items in the garage you still need to keep them as secure as possible. Always lock the car and lock bikes up. You can buy lockable storage for smaller items too. Such as tools.