How to move overseas with children
Moving overseas is complex. Add children into the mix and it becomes even more challenging, so you need to consider potential issues early if you want to mitigate them.
Early preparation
Tell the children about the move promptly so they have time to adjust. Try to sound positive, even if you are stressed yourself, and emphasise the exciting aspects. Leave them space for any worry or distress and don’t dismiss their feelings. Involving them in the planning can help them feel in control and mitigate their fears. Stay on top of legal matters, such as visas, with the help of a legal expert such as https://georgakilawfirm.com if you plan to move to Greece.
Before you leave
Collect the contact details for friends and family to ensure your children can stay in touch. Give the children the opportunity to say a proper goodbye to important people and places, perhaps with a small party. When packing, ensure essentials will be easily accessible in transit or on arrival.
Moving day
This can be hectic, so you need to plan for where your children will be (involved in the process at the house or safely out of the way). Whichever you choose, think about health and safety and how to keep them entertained. Be ready for unexpected issues.
Unpack quickly and try to establish a routine to help your children settle. A welcome party can introduce you to neighbouring families, and you should reach out to schools and clubs for local activities and events. They may also need help to learn the local language and culture.
It is not easy to move overseas with children; however, with careful planning and by ensuring they feel involved, you can make the process a little less stressful for everyone.