What to look for in anti-wrinkle eye creams
The skin near the eyes is the most sensitive and delicate on the face. Therefore it must be cared for gently and with care and concern. Many beauty products are even too harsh for this area of the face, but there are specialty products, such as under eye wrinkle cream that is designed with mild but active ingredients.
Because the eyes are in one of the most active areas of the face, they also happen to be in an area that gains the most wrinkles. But there are plenty of under eye wrinkle creams and beauty products designed to tackle under eye wrinkles, dark circles and the puffiness that is associated with either aging or just being dehydrated and not getting enough sleep. Typically, a daytime eye cream would aim to target puffiness and dark circles, whereas a nighttime eye cream would likely be for anti-aging purposes.
Mild moisturizers can be used in the area around the eyes, but specialty anti-wrinkle eye cream will almost always be better, as it provides better hydration and protection. Many creams have ingredients in them that combine to target existing signs of the past such as wrinkles and fine lines, while also helping to prepare skin for the future by repairing cells and stimulating growth of collagen.
There are many different variations of under eye wrinkle cream, based on skin type, desired results and ingredients. The best anti-wrinkle eye cream for you is one that does not cause irritation, redness or damage to your skin and one that you will actually want to use day in and day out.
There is no one size fits all anti-wrinkle eye cream, but you can start by looking for one that is based on your skin type. First, determine whether you have oily, normal, dry, combination or sensitive skin. (Skin type is determined by your skin’s ability to make oil, a capability that decrease with age.) Then, start reading labels and find out what the ingredients are in the product. Remember that more expensive ingredients don’t necessarily translate into a better quality cream, but it could mean a higher concentration of the same ingredients.
Whereas in the past, wrinkle creams were primarily targeted at women, nowadays, there are formulas that work effectively for either gender. Don’t be fooled by packaging and perfumes. Instead, get down to the ingredient list to find out what you’re really buying and what the true differences are.