Why UK Fire Services Need Knitted Trauma Teddies

Knitting projects come in all shapes and sizes and can be for many different purposes from gifts to retail. However, a more unusual project has recently attracted the attention of knitters – trauma teddies for the fire service.

Fire Trauma

The trauma teddy is an idea from the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. A house fire is a traumatic event for anyone, but for frightened children who may have just lost their homes, it can be particularly severe.

The trauma teddies ride with the fire service in their fire engines and the crew gives them out to comfort children who have just escaped a fire, crash, flood or other traumatic situation. Alongside each teddy is information for parents and carers on how to support children with trauma.

The teddies are designed to be made using small leftovers of wool. Dressed in bright colours and with many featuring scarves and having happy faces, they are designed to be appealing to children.

Taking Part

If this type of project interests you, it is worth finding out if emergency services in your area run such a project or would be interested in starting one. It is important that the toys are well-made with good quality wool, such as DK yarn. If you do not have leftovers, see what is available in your local craft shops or look for a specialist online wool retailer such as woolcouturecompany.com/collections/dk-yarn.

Safety is always an important consideration when knitting for children and in this situation when you do not know the child receiving the toy, it is particularly vital. The toys should be filled with child-friendly stuffing and there should be no hard parts that can easily come loose such as eyes, nose, or buttons, as these represent a choking hazard. Instead, stitch soft features onto the face and clothes.

Knitting items for others is a special experience and making these toys will feel extra rewarding. Emergency services carry out essential work, often at risk to themselves. And with this type of project, you too can help make a difference.

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