Make Your Garden Secure and Safe
When thinking about home security, the house itself is probably the first thing that we tend to think of – ensuring that you have things like alarm systems, locks on doors and windows and cameras are all things that we tend to do to make the home more secure.
However, the garden is another thing to think about when you are making your home more secure, and it is important to reduce the risk of someone being able to get into your garden as well as this is a common route that burglars use to gain entry into the home as well as into things like sheds and garages.
Here are some of the things that can help provide you with some extra protection outside the house…
Keep your Side Gate Secure – Many homes have a side gate and whilst being useful they can also be useful to burglars. Make sure that you have a side gate that is secure and kept locked at all times as it is easy for a burglar to slip down a side gate unnoticed.
Have a Noisy Path or Driveway – Burglars don’t want to be caught in the act and will want to go about as quietly as possible so as not to attract attention. When you use gravel for the paths and driveways around your home, it makes it much more difficult for burglars to be able to sneak onto the property and put them off.
Use Lighting – Gardens tend to be under more cover of darkness than the front of the house and being more difficult to see in makes them more attractive to burglars. Using security lighting that is motion sensor activated in the garden helps to put off anyone trying to make their way into the garden unless,
Ensure Fencing is Secure – Your garden fence is a defence against intruders in the garden, but for it to work properly it needs to be secure. Check it regularly, and especially after stormy weather for signs of damage, and you can then repair it. You can go to somewhere like this timber merchants Surrey based company to get the supplies that you need for this.
Use Plants – Plants can also provide you with good protection. Plants that are very spiky are a great thing to have around the perimeter of the garden and can stop people trying to climb in.